Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Flaws make you Perfect 11.7.12

Excuse the short blog today.. i feel absolutely terribly horrible... when scrolling on Tumblr i found this quote:
Beautiful, perfect flaws. They make us different.
They make us interesting and worth something.
Without them, who would we be? We would
be all the same. And what fun would that be? 
Flaws are an adventure. I'm drawn to them.
I embrace them. Flaws make us human
and unique. Flaws are PERFECTION.

After reading this quote i felt an understanding about myself and the people around me. We all live with flaws and i really like that this is what makes us human. You can either learn to love your flaws or figure out how to use them to your advantage.
Sure you can try to change them but in the end, you are changing yourself. Nothing wrong with that but you are in essence are changing what makes you "YOU". Sure there be many reasons you may want to change yourself:

But realistically wouldn't you want to surround yourself with people who accept you for you? If you have to Literally change yourself to be accepted by these certain individuals then why is that worth it?
I think i'm struggling with this currently with my friends because some may say i'm a "different person" but in reality I never changed. They just didn't notice my "Flaws" before. Also a lot of them think changing is the right thing to do but we friended each other for the old versions of our selves.  So why change now and have problems? I mostly relate to what i'm taking about to "friend number one" from blog 1.
She thinks she is Changing for the better. Yet all of our friends disagree. Even Ms. Blowoff from blog 2 Agrees with this realization. Take my advice, If you have to change yourself to be accepted don't.
Never try to find acceptance. You want it to find you. Perfect example: My best Friend.  She would never ask me to change. We never tried to find each other, Heck she used to hate me and never thought we would be even "friends". Now we are the best thing that has happened to each others lives We found each other yet we weren't looking for each other. Acceptance found us.

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